Tuesday, July 19, 2011

3 Minutes brownie

I was woken up by God-knows-what at 3 freaking am and I can't sleep back, FML. So I got up, make a nice cup of coffee and SURF!

I stumbled upon this recipe, super easy recipe, for those who love a quick bite and lazy to go through all the tedious or long process of baking.

All you need is:

4 tablespoons of multipurpose flour
4 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of coca
1 egg
3 tablespoons of milk
1 tablespoons of oil
1 mug

Step 1: mix flour, sugar and cocoa in the mug
Step 2: add egg
Sept 3: add milk and oil
Step 4: put into microwave at the maximum power for 3 minutes
Step 5: serve while it hot!

Right? It's freaking easy.

nom nom nom

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