Monday, September 06, 2010

Hong Kong Trip - The Preview

Just before Merdeka holiday my friends and I visited Hong Kong. Friends were saying that I will be celebrating Merdeka at Hong Kong while my mom was saying I will be celebrating the Ullambana or known among the Chinese community as Hungry Ghost Month festival *sweating*

Anyway, we were there about 5 nights and 6 days. There were a lot of walking and running and walking...and eating... oh did I mention it was awesome? hehe It is. I love the place, going back there next year, perhaps *fingers-cross*

So, of course there's gonna be tons of photos.... But we have a problem here. I have to catch up with some work since I was on leave the work just pile on my desk and tons of emails. I will post some snap shots first, I promise to get it done and upload as soon as I could. Alright?

it's Legal!

taking video while the plane was taking off, stay tune for Dennis's footage hehe

Blue sky with white clouds

Hello Hong Kong

It was also called, the city of light

Alright, I hope I can process and upload the photos the soonest, pray for me folks~ till then Have a great Monday~!!

1 comment:

Dennis Lee said...

Can't wait to finish the video ><